Friday, October 23, 2009

Groovy Girl

I haven’t really talked in depth about how Groovy is doing in a little while so before I forget to chronicle some of the stuff that’s been going on I better do that. This whole blog thing has come in handy for being able to look back and see how she was acting at various times in her life so far.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago she has re-entered some sort of fear period. It’s right on time for her age – though her last one was not “textbook” in its timing – it was late. It started the day we left for Skyhoundz (Sept. 24th). An hour into the trip I got her out of the car at a stop we made and she started woofing at a man across the parking lot. That was new. Then at the competition she got freaked out a few times and at the hotel she’d woof at people on and off. We missed agility class that week due to me not feeling well. The following weekend we had a trial down at Palmetto and as I mentioned she did OK on Saturday but didn’t even want to leave her crate on Sunday. Hmmm… That Monday in class she was scared of the teeter noise and of the chute noise but otherwise was happy to be there and to see everyone. She did pretty well on our road trip to USDDN. A few freaked out moments but more “good” moments than bad and she even played a little disc off to the side with Jack and had a blast herding ducks. When I walked her I walked her with Mickie who LOVES every person she has ever met – I think that helped Groovy be more confident. Monday night in class however was a bit of a disaster. She was good at first – happy to be there and see everyone. We did a lowered dog walk twice and she liked that. Our first “station” however was next to the teeter bang game and that did it. The first bang came and she wigged out. Wouldn’t play with toys at all anymore and would barely take food within 20 feet of the teeter. She would take food further away and did well on the stations where the reward was food but would not play with her toys at all. I left feeling really down and out. Luckily the next session doesn’t start till 11/2 so we don’t have to go back and continue experiencing that and I have a little time to work on the issues away from class.

This past weekend was a CPE trial up in Groveland. I took Groovy along on Saturday. Jack came too. I only walked her by the ring 2 or 3 times and she did well. She woofed at a few people but would eat treats from them and be happy about them after that. She’d play disc with Jack in the field and did pretty good considering there was sheep poop all over the field. So as to ensure we ended on a good note I left her at home on Sunday.

Yesterday Groovy stayed the day at Sarah’s while we were at work then afterwards we went to Bev’s to work on Groovy’s teeter issues. Groovy was cautious in Sarah’s backyard and got spooked by a folded up patio table umbrella in the neighbor’s yard. She sort of got over it. She was willing to play disc a little so that was good. At Bev’s she started off quite scared of the teeter noise (had another dog working the teeter while Groovy and I stood 20 or so feet away from it). After some time and rewarding with cheese by the end of our time there she was making the teeter bang herself (it was raised about 10” and she’d put her feet on it to make it go down). Hooray! She enjoyed playing with Kate and trying to play with VooDoo. We’ll be returning to continue working on that. In the mean time I found some YouTube videos of dogs playing the teeter bang game on aluminum teeters. I think I’ll play those at random (and loudly) while she is playing with the other dogs in the house. Not sure if it’ll help but I figure it can’t hurt.

At home she freaks herself out on occasion – not sure at what but she finds something to be scared of and bark at for a few minutes and once the other dogs get all upset, go investigate and find nothing out of line she eventually calms down. I figure I’ll just let her work through that stuff on her own… that’s pretty normal for her age… even Jam went through some of that around this same age.

The good news about Groovy is that her disc drive is growing daily and she can catch and return 10-12 yard throws on occasion. The other day she caught two in a row! She’s so funny – when Jack or I come in from working a dog in the front yard Groovy runs to the back door and stands there staring at us with this look of “OK – it’s my turn!”. She doesn’t get it isn’t her turn EVERY time one of us comes in though we’re so thrilled by her excitement we do indulge her much of the time but are always certain to end each session with her wanting more (which sometimes means she gets carried in the house because she doesn’t want to come in yet). We even played disc with Groovy in the front field last Sunday without her being on a long line and it went quite well! Last time she was out there not on a long line she went and found her own fun so her listening skills and willingness to work with us are increasing too! Below is a link to some photos of her playing "long line free" in the front field!

1 comment:

  1. Extra special is Groovy and Kate PLAYING Together!!! They've never played nicely off leash before. That was pretty cool for me, seeing them get along so well.
