When you are an owner of a new puppy it takes only little things to get you excited... for instance - Tuesday night at puppy class our loose leash walking work was not so good however the reason it was not so good was because Groovy was wanting to visit the people we were walking past! I found this to be VERY exciting! Who needs a dog to walk loose on a leash anyway when you live on 10 acres? Another for instance... at our informal pup class that we have at rotating places Groovy took a treat from TK (someone she's been VERY scared of since she was 10 weeks old) - this I found very exciting as well! And today's exciting moment - Groovy went out the doggy door on her own and went poop unattended! Woo hoo! That is huge as she has not wanted to be out there on her own quite yet. Nope... doesn't take much to make me happy. The good news is this is true of most "dog people". Example? Sarah's excitement today at finally getting the giraffe toy in her Happy Meal so Kate and Java could have it! :)
Here are some pics taken by Sarah on Sunday and Tuesday. Thanks Sarah!
Groovy and I at the beach

"Shake Your Groove Thang!"

Puppy class friends - Groovy, Kate and Blitz (via cell phone camera).
Want to take a guess at how many pics it took to get this one?
(I don't know the answer but Sarah might)
Groovy and Kate
Those cell phone camera pics are sooo frustrating. Gotta bring the real camera this week.