Groovy turned 15 weeks old yesterday and weighed 18.2 #'s at the vet on Wednesday. She's growing up fast!
Monday we went for a walk with her and Jam and stopped along the way to see the miniature horse. On the way back dad was coming down the road and stopped to chat. I wasn't sure how Groovy would do with this as she'd never seen a car on our road, had never seen a person talking from a car and still is a little unsure about dad. Well the car didn't phase her, the talking head sticking out of the car didn't phase her and once dad opened the door to say hi to the dogs Groovy took Jam's lead and was very happy and wiggly to see Grandpa! Hooray!
Tuesday was Groovy's first puppy class. She did very very well! Of course she already knew everything that we learned but she's there more for the social aspects anyway. Our teacher is a male - I planned that on purpose! She did great with the VERY full class of people and dogs. She'd hide under the chair a little if a man or child got too close (within 3-4 feet) but other than that was doing her sits and downs like a pro. She loved all the other dogs and I think having them around helped her feel at ease. Groovy also got to spend the day at Duke's Doggy Daycare (Sarah's house) and got a good report card for the day! :) Oh and for an extra bonus - she didn't puke on the way to Sarah's, on the way to class or on the way home (and she had a ton of treats at class)!! Woo hoo!
Wednesday was her big trip to the vet. She did great! Wasn't running up to greet the techs but was not scared either. Didn't puke on the way there or back and enjoyed watching the kitties in their cages up front!
Monday and Wednesday Groovy was "evil puppy" in that if I called her she'd look at me and go the other way. Grrrr... so we've hit that stage have we? Wednesday she ducked under the barbwire fence and out into the cow pasture. She had no intention of returning anytime soon but a baby cow decided to check her out and that scared her enough to come join me on the other side of the fence! The cows were way closer than they normally are and she was actually scared of them at first. I put her on her long line and we just sat and watched them for a while then she was fine. She is officially on "long line lockdown" any time she is out front now.
Thursday was a whole new day for Miss Groovy! Mom was over at the house during the day and told me how well Groovy had listened to her out in the backyard. Then Thursday evening I took her out in the front yard on the long line to watch the other 4 play frisbee (one at a time). Every time I called her name she turned and ran to me - without even having to pull on the long line or anything. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised! :) She also chased a few rollers too!
So overall a good week... not much planned for the weekend except our puppy playgroup/class on Sunday. It's swimming pool and kid socialization day at Kathryn's. Should be interesting!
This is a pic of Groovy from this past Sunday... her ears had gone "rose" a couple of weeks back and after a week of not going back to "normal" I taped them for about 5 days - intended to do it for longer but one fell out. Yes - I'm vain and I know rose ears are acceptable but she is just so much cuter with "regular" aussie ears. Well these ears seen in the picture stuck around until yesterday... now the rose ears are back with an occasional higher set button ear (note the singular there - the other ear stays rose). Interesting... I'll give it a few days and if the rose ears stay it'll be back to tape again I think though I have to say this round of "rose ear" is better looking that the last round... will have to get a pic of the current state of ears sometime this weekend.
how did the kids/pool party go?