Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fahle Dog Training Center is now open

I'm sure we'll come up with a better name for it... but for now FDTC will have to do.  Of course it's only open for us... well other folks can use it - but it's purpose is mainly for us to have a place to train our dogs when 1) it's too dark 2) it's too cold 3) it's too rainy and/or 4) when we want to work something in a contained non distracting area (and that something might be a someone - like Jam!).

What is the FDTC?  It's our garage with foam matting covered by turf.  I'll post some pics in case whoever it is that reads this blog didn't see them on Facebook.  We've worked in the garage, I mean FDTC every night this week.  Jam is a frizBEAST in there.  It's awesome.  Groovy is too but Groovy is a frizbeast in the yard too.  All the dogs love it in there. Well... Tali isn't quite sure why we play in there... but she's getting the idea.  It's been great.  We are hoping we can build Jam's drive in that environment and have it transfer outside come spring!  We shall see if the little princess plays along with that plan!

Rolling out the carpet

The finished product

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