This past weekend Tali and I went to our first AKC trial in a while. Going into the weekend we needed 1 standard leg and 2 JWW legs to finish those two novice titles. We also were entered in FAST for the first time as a team. Well it was a great weekend! We went 4 for 5! On Saturday Tali Q'd and got 1st in FAST, Q'd and got 3rd in JWW. Our standard run was OK - a super slow down on the table and a missed aframe contact (which is a first) kept us from Q'ing. Sunday was a great day - Tali Q'd and got 1st in JWW and also in standard! Woo hoo! Standard was really nice too - one of those runs that felt good the whole way through. Thanks to my friends Sarah and Bev for videoing for me and for Sal and Bev sticking around to watch Tali earn her NA title!
great job!!