Groovy is growing up for sure and not quite a puppy anymore. We had another "full circle" moment this week. The first was at the trial last weekend. This one was last night when my sister and brother in law came over to the house. It's the first time they've been over since I had them over for dinner about 2 months back. At dinner Groovy would not go too close to Randy and was scared any time he talked. She was only moderately friendly with Laurel but still very reserved and fearful overall. This time however she greeted Laurel like a long lost friend and was quite friendly with Randy. Somewhat cautious or maybe submissive is a better word but still very eager to see him and get to know him. I asked them "So how do you like my new dog?". They both agreed she was a totally different dog. Needless to say I was beaming ear to ear. The other night at agility class this gal that took puppy class with Groovy commented on how different she is now as well (this is as Groovy is pulling me to get to her to say hi). I've got my fingers crossed that at least some of this outgoing'ness (is that a word?) sticks. At minimum that the new level of confidence sticks! She doesn't have to love everyone (though she's so cute when she wiggles at people it'd be nice) but indifference with confidence is OK too. We'll see... she's still so very young but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Here she is on a day when both ears were cooperating - the rest of this week it's be one "normal" and one rose ear!

She doesn't even look like a puppy anymore!!!