Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Groovy 11 weeks

Well funny how one doesn't have time to blog with an 11 week old puppy around!

To catch up... Groovy did get to have a play date with Tex and Sally. She wasn't too sure about Tex at first but once she realized he was a nice dog she and he were best buds. They really had a fun time playing - Tali and Jam did too! Pics of the afternoon can be seen here.

Groovy weighed in at 13.6#'s for her 11 week weigh in. At first I thought this was huge since I really only have Jam to compare her to but after comparing with some other aussie friends of mine this actually isn't big at all. We'll see if that correlates to her size as an adult. I know I shouldn't obsess over what size she'll be but smaller is better around here to a certain extent. We are hoping for around 18-19" and no more than 40#'s. We shall see but we'll love her regardless!

As for Groovy's week... well she was struggling with "down" on strictly a verbal. Not sure why - sit on a verbal was a breeze! She's starting to get it now though. In the mean time she's learned the beginnings of shake, leave it and roll over with record speed!

Magic happened this week. Sal and I were observing Groovy's independent nature on Sunday a week ago - then Monday she magically started listening and coming to her name! Not sure why the switch flipped but we'll take it and reward it HIGHLY! :)

And finally... this past Friday and Saturday we had a CPE night trial. Groovy came along to socialize. Poor thing still gets car sick and threw up 3 times on the way over. She wasn't feeling all that cheery and playful when we got there. Not to mention it was SOOOO hot. She also was not at all happy with all the dogs barking. Kinda surprising from a dog that sleeps through the vacuum cleaner! She worked through it and by the end of the evening was hanging out ring side having a good 'ole time. She got to play with her brother Seven a little and her favorite "aunt" Kelli. She also got to meet her Aunt Liz - though since Groovy is Rory's Aunt maybe that's her niece Liz? ;) Saturday went even better as she didn't puke on the way there and came out of the car happy as a clam and ready to greet the world. She had a fun time playing with a Papillion pup and a Mudi pup. What a hoot they were to watch. I noticed some fearfulness of men while there so we are going to work on that but the good news is the 2nd night the dogs barking hardly phased her at all.

Oh... and not to leave Tali out of course - Tali Q'd 7 out of 9 runs this weekend and finished her Level 3 Standard title! Woo hoo!

To finish... here are some pics of her on Sunday at her Grandma's house.

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