Just a link to some pics of Groovy from this week. The first few are of her playing with her red sister's the other night. Tali LOVES to be the "momma" to Groovy. It's very cute. The rest are of Groovy's visit to meet Dawn and her family. We got to work on her "men issues" with Dawn's husband Mark. That went pretty well. Then Groovy got to play with Tucker and Dawn's daughter Lacey. She loved every minute of that!
Tomorrow night my sister and her husband come over for a puppy socialization dinner! I figure we need to let her see that people other than Grandma and Grandpa do occasionally visit the house - even if rarely!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Groovy 11 weeks
Well funny how one doesn't have time to blog with an 11 week old puppy around!
To catch up... Groovy did get to have a play date with Tex and Sally. She wasn't too sure about Tex at first but once she realized he was a nice dog she and he were best buds. They really had a fun time playing - Tali and Jam did too! Pics of the afternoon can be seen here.
Groovy weighed in at 13.6#'s for her 11 week weigh in. At first I thought this was huge since I really only have Jam to compare her to but after comparing with some other aussie friends of mine this actually isn't big at all. We'll see if that correlates to her size as an adult. I know I shouldn't obsess over what size she'll be but smaller is better around here to a certain extent. We are hoping for around 18-19" and no more than 40#'s. We shall see but we'll love her regardless!
As for Groovy's week... well she was struggling with "down" on strictly a verbal. Not sure why - sit on a verbal was a breeze! She's starting to get it now though. In the mean time she's learned the beginnings of shake, leave it and roll over with record speed!
Magic happened this week. Sal and I were observing Groovy's independent nature on Sunday a week ago - then Monday she magically started listening and coming to her name! Not sure why the switch flipped but we'll take it and reward it HIGHLY! :)
And finally... this past Friday and Saturday we had a CPE night trial. Groovy came along to socialize. Poor thing still gets car sick and threw up 3 times on the way over. She wasn't feeling all that cheery and playful when we got there. Not to mention it was SOOOO hot. She also was not at all happy with all the dogs barking. Kinda surprising from a dog that sleeps through the vacuum cleaner! She worked through it and by the end of the evening was hanging out ring side having a good 'ole time. She got to play with her brother Seven a little and her favorite "aunt" Kelli. She also got to meet her Aunt Liz - though since Groovy is Rory's Aunt maybe that's her niece Liz? ;) Saturday went even better as she didn't puke on the way there and came out of the car happy as a clam and ready to greet the world. She had a fun time playing with a Papillion pup and a Mudi pup. What a hoot they were to watch. I noticed some fearfulness of men while there so we are going to work on that but the good news is the 2nd night the dogs barking hardly phased her at all.
Oh... and not to leave Tali out of course - Tali Q'd 7 out of 9 runs this weekend and finished her Level 3 Standard title! Woo hoo!
To finish... here are some pics of her on Sunday at her Grandma's house.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Groovy 10 week old pics
A few pics of Groovy at 10 weeks old...

The rest can be seen here....
The rest can be seen here....
Friday, June 12, 2009
Groovy is 10 weeks old!
Groovy is 10 weeks old already! Has she really been here 2 weeks? In some ways it seems shorter and in others longer!
Over the past week one of her big adventures was a leash walk to grandma's. Almost earned her a new name of Bucking Bronco but she got the hang of it eventually. She enjoyed visiting with grandma, AJ and Lulu and showing off her tricks. Today was her first trip to our vet. She came away with a clean bill of health though they did find a very small umbilical hernia - nothing to worry about however. Jack took her and said she was really friendly with everyone and even played with Dr. Hooks (our awesome vet). She weighed in at approx. 11 1/2#'s. I measured her last night and she is 12.5". It'll be interesting to see how big she gets!
This week we worked on sit (has it really well on a verbal), drop (doing very good with this too), down (still needs a hand cue), name recognition (has bouts of selective hearing!), nose touch to my hand and a retrieve.
She and Tali are quite the duo and so hilarious to watch playing. Tali couldn't be a better big sister! Jam is enjoying her more too and new this week she's gotten to be in the yard with Mickie. Old girl Mickie has actually initiated play a few times but the awesome thing is that when Mickie doesn't want to interact Groovy is excellent at reading her signals. Big thanks to Tracey for allowing Ebony to teach the pups such great doggy skills!!
Groovy has a playdate with some of Team Treat and likely the Duke Dogs on Sunday - stay tuned for pics or video from that I'm sure!
Over the past week one of her big adventures was a leash walk to grandma's. Almost earned her a new name of Bucking Bronco but she got the hang of it eventually. She enjoyed visiting with grandma, AJ and Lulu and showing off her tricks. Today was her first trip to our vet. She came away with a clean bill of health though they did find a very small umbilical hernia - nothing to worry about however. Jack took her and said she was really friendly with everyone and even played with Dr. Hooks (our awesome vet). She weighed in at approx. 11 1/2#'s. I measured her last night and she is 12.5". It'll be interesting to see how big she gets!
This week we worked on sit (has it really well on a verbal), drop (doing very good with this too), down (still needs a hand cue), name recognition (has bouts of selective hearing!), nose touch to my hand and a retrieve.
She and Tali are quite the duo and so hilarious to watch playing. Tali couldn't be a better big sister! Jam is enjoying her more too and new this week she's gotten to be in the yard with Mickie. Old girl Mickie has actually initiated play a few times but the awesome thing is that when Mickie doesn't want to interact Groovy is excellent at reading her signals. Big thanks to Tracey for allowing Ebony to teach the pups such great doggy skills!!
Groovy has a playdate with some of Team Treat and likely the Duke Dogs on Sunday - stay tuned for pics or video from that I'm sure!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fun with Groovy
A short video clip of Groovy playing with rollers and entertaining herself in various other ways... she is so funny!
Some pics of Groovy and the girls in the freshly mowed front field.
Some pics of Groovy and the girls in the freshly mowed front field.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
This is some video of Groovy from last night and this afternoon. The first part is her and her temporary hiding place. I'm not sure what she's going to do in another week or so when she doesn't fit anymore! She loves to go under the buffet. She was taking toys under there with her but I think even she realizes it's a tighter fit than it was just last week. The 2nd part is her playing with her sheepy. It's probably her 2nd favorite toy right now. Her favorite is her fuzzy yellow chicken! She switches toys really well and retrieves probably 40-50% of the time now. The other times she takes them to a corner to chew on or does a victory lap around the dining room table! She's a fun kid to play with!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Groovy - 9 weeks
Well we made it through the first week! Having an active puppy has it's challenges for sure but I've laughed outloud many times this week at her antics!
The challenges.... well she had to learn a lesson about toads tasting bad (I let her learn this on a toad I knew wasn't a Bufo toad), she found/tasted toad poop, deer poop and unknown poo in the yard (quite the nose on this girl), she discovered a mushroom obsession (an unintended consequence of the name Groovy?!?), 2 potty accidents in the house, 3 in her crate (still baffled by those as I was sitting right there and she didn't fuss much at all yet her crate is dry every morning and she sleeps through the night with no problem), obsessed with small spaces including going under the deck (not a safe venture), loves electrical wires, etc. We considered re-naming her Death Wish there for a few days. Things seem to be calming down in that regard (nevermind the Bitter Apple that was purchased and the "no front yard not on a leash" rule now in place in addition to me guarding the deck access when in the backyard - another week and she won't fit - hooray!).
The good stuff!
Learned sit, learning her name, learning down, LOVES to tug with all kinds of toys, got to visit friends, my work, her brother, family, already loves her big sis Tali, doesn't destroy her expen when we are at work (so far) and is great in her crate (thank you Tracey for pre-training her!).
The great stuff!
VERY entertaining to watch her entertain herself in her crate (see video), very entertaining to see her play with Tali and Jam, VERY excited to have her tugging with me in the front yard while Tali played toss n fetch with daddy, and SUPER excited to have her go after her first rollers tonight and return them (and tug on the disc). Not to mention how super adorable she is!
The girl is dead set on growing too! 8 weeks and 1 day old she was 9 #'s. 9 weeks old she is 10.2#'s! Jam didn't reach that weight until 11.5 weeks old. Haven't done any heights yet...
Plans for week 2? Walking on a leash, shaping the target, play, play, play, more name and recall work and more play!
The pics from week 1 can be found here (there are many - what do you expect for a new addition?!?):
Day 1 in the backyard jungle:
Day 3 - a visit to Bev's to meet Bev, Sally, Sarah and Gary (pics compliments of Sarah Duke):
Day 4 playing with Tali and Jam:
Day 4 playing with her brother Seven owned by Kelli Hayes:
Enjoy the video of goofy Groovy! The interesting water behavior happens at the beginning and again around 1:40 or so.
The challenges.... well she had to learn a lesson about toads tasting bad (I let her learn this on a toad I knew wasn't a Bufo toad), she found/tasted toad poop, deer poop and unknown poo in the yard (quite the nose on this girl), she discovered a mushroom obsession (an unintended consequence of the name Groovy?!?), 2 potty accidents in the house, 3 in her crate (still baffled by those as I was sitting right there and she didn't fuss much at all yet her crate is dry every morning and she sleeps through the night with no problem), obsessed with small spaces including going under the deck (not a safe venture), loves electrical wires, etc. We considered re-naming her Death Wish there for a few days. Things seem to be calming down in that regard (nevermind the Bitter Apple that was purchased and the "no front yard not on a leash" rule now in place in addition to me guarding the deck access when in the backyard - another week and she won't fit - hooray!).
The good stuff!
Learned sit, learning her name, learning down, LOVES to tug with all kinds of toys, got to visit friends, my work, her brother, family, already loves her big sis Tali, doesn't destroy her expen when we are at work (so far) and is great in her crate (thank you Tracey for pre-training her!).
The great stuff!
VERY entertaining to watch her entertain herself in her crate (see video), very entertaining to see her play with Tali and Jam, VERY excited to have her tugging with me in the front yard while Tali played toss n fetch with daddy, and SUPER excited to have her go after her first rollers tonight and return them (and tug on the disc). Not to mention how super adorable she is!
The girl is dead set on growing too! 8 weeks and 1 day old she was 9 #'s. 9 weeks old she is 10.2#'s! Jam didn't reach that weight until 11.5 weeks old. Haven't done any heights yet...
Plans for week 2? Walking on a leash, shaping the target, play, play, play, more name and recall work and more play!
The pics from week 1 can be found here (there are many - what do you expect for a new addition?!?):
Day 1 in the backyard jungle:
Day 3 - a visit to Bev's to meet Bev, Sally, Sarah and Gary (pics compliments of Sarah Duke):
Day 4 playing with Tali and Jam:
Day 4 playing with her brother Seven owned by Kelli Hayes:
Enjoy the video of goofy Groovy! The interesting water behavior happens at the beginning and again around 1:40 or so.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Testing, testing 1, 2, 3
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3 - I promised Sarah I'd start blogging once I got a puppy. Well the pup arrived 1 week ago today so here we go!
The new puppy.... Groovy (Registered name pending)
She is from Tracey McPherson at C-Me Aussies in Iowa. Her sire is Slash V Skipa Star and her dam is C-Me Ebony Not Ivory.

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