Thursday, June 23, 2011

Worrying is over and DACOF is coming!

All went well with Spice's hip xrays last Friday.  She came through the procedure just fine - the staff loved her AND her hips look great.  We'll get the official word in another week or so but the vet who did the PennHIP eval said she felt confident they were nice.  Take a look yourself.... this is the OFA view - 1 of the 3 views they do for PennHIP.  We also got her elbows done so those are going off to OFA.  I'm not sure if her hips will go to OFA too or not.  The drawbacks of having your hubby do the deed.  I had to hear about it all after the fact.

This weekend coming up is DACOF - Dog Agility Competition of Florida.  Love this event!  Tali is running in Open again - just goes to show how little we trialed in the past year!  She earned her OA title but she's still eligible to run in Open in DACOF until she earns her AX title.  No worries there!  Hopefully she does well... she's been a little off lately.  I don't think she can handle cross training.  That or something involved in either doing weaves, the dogwalk or 20" jumps bothers her in a way that doing freestyle and D&A does not.  We've done very little training this week and kept her to just toss n fetch - hopefully she can stay sound for the weekend!  In any case we'll have fun running with the team!  Power of the Pink!  And little Spice gets to come along to cheer everyone on - yay!!

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