This weekend we'll be in Auburndale, FL for the Skyhoundz Southeast Regional. Saturday Tali will compete in freestyle. We have no expectation that she'll qualify this year and that's OK - she doesn't really perform well on that Skyhoundz Worlds FS field. We had entered Groovy and Spice in team time trial but found out tonight that they don't do those at regionals anymore - bummer. Jack went ahead and entered Spice in regular freestyle and is just going to do baby stuff with her so she'll have something to do that day. If it's looking pretty "calm" and not crowded maybe he'll try Groovy too - we'll see.
Sunday is Distance and Accuracy - Tali and Spice both will be entered. Maybe Groovy pending on where her brain in this weekend and how she handles the environment. Jack has to catch a plane out of Tampa at 5pm so we have our fingers crossed that we won't miss anything at the regional having to leave around 3 - HOPEFULLY it'll be done by then! We shall see! What I do know is that it will be HOT this weekend - high of 90... and it's only April!
Looking forward to hanging out with everyone and seeing our California disc dog friends who are "east coasting" it this week after being at AKC nationals last weekend!
And last but not least... Groovy turned 2 last weekend! Here are two pics of her at TWO! Finally starting to fill out and look less leggy!